Project Blue Angel
Enjoy some of the breathtaking imagery captured by Project Blue Angel Filmmaker
Stephani Gordon of Open Boat Films.
Aerial Shot of Buka
Aerial Shot of Buka
Buka Islanders engaged in a traditional dance
The dive team discusses the location of the undersea aircraft accident scene as they motor along in a tiny boat being used as a primary dive boat
A local diver points the way toward the aircraft resting place in the deep waters of Bougainville.
A combined U.S. and local team of divers work to map out the aircraft underwater resting place
Tracy Wildrix checks what appears to be a coral aircraft wing spar at the crash site
Filmmaker Stephani Gordon records the encrusted cockpit area of the aircraft
A local resident holds the remains of what appears to be the glass face of a light
A local resident points out the location of of the site near Matsungan Island